Field Trip: Milky Way

Friday, August 7, 2020

1 pm EDT

The Milky Way is bright over a field of darkened Joshua trees.
View of the Milky Way over Queen Valley in Joshua Tree National Park.
Courtesy of E.Hassell/National Park Service/Flickr

Virtually surf along the Milky Way and take center stage in our galaxy’s cosmic ballet of passing stars with Museum astrophysicist Jackie Faherty and planetary scientist Marina Gemma, who will pilot the OpenSpace software, powered by data from the Gaia Telescope. 

Visit the neighborhoods of the closest stars, the youngest stars, and the oldest stars in the galaxy. Bring your best cosmic questions for Museum scientists to answer live in the chat!

Watch a recording of the livestream below, first aired on August 7, 2020. Or check out the complete playlist of Astronomy Online events.

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