Freshwater Mussel Habitats

Habitats of Mussels in the New York/Tri-State Area

Images of local mussel habitats are shown by general type: lakes, ponds, and rivers. Each locality is identified, and species known to be present are listed as links to their species accounts.


A body of water with a forest-lined shore.

Locality:  Black Pond, Woodstock Valley, CT
Species:  Elliptio complanata,  Pyganodon cataracta,  Lampsilis radiata

A body of water seen through the branches of foliage on the near shore.

Locality: Brunnel's Pond, Peqonnock River, CT
SpeciesElliptio complanata,  Pyganodon cataracta

Rivers, Creeks and Brooks

A body of water seen from a position on the near shore. The far shore has trees with colorful autumn foliage.

Locality:  Housatonic River, New Milford, CT
Species:  Alasmidonta undulata,  Elliptio complanata,  Lampsilis radiata,  Pyganodon cataracta

The Musconetcong River in Mt. Olive Township, New Jersey.

Locality:  Musconetcong River, Mt. Olive Township, Morris County, NJ
Species:  Alasmidonta varicosaElliptio complanataStrophitus undulatusPyganodon cataracta

A river with banks covered with scrubby vegetation and a large boulder protruding from the water along one bank.

Locality: Quinebaug River, Putnam, CT
Species:  Alasmidonta undulataElliptio complanataLampsilis radiataPyganodon cataractaStrophitus undulatus

A narrow creek with colorful vegetation and green bushes along both banks.

Locality:  Norwalk River, Ridgefield, CT
Species:  Elliptio complanataPyganodon cataracta

A narrow creek with trees and green bushes along both banks.

Locality:  Salmon River, Granby, CT
Species:  Margaritifera margaritifera

A narrow river with rapids, with a rocky bank on one side and a tree-lined bank on the other.

Locality:  Salmon River, Granby, CT
Species:  Margaritifera margaritifera

A body of water seen from a position on the near shore. The far shore has trees with colorful foliage.

Locality:  Naugatuck River, Derby, CT
Species:  Corbicula flumineaPyganodon cataracta

A shallow body of water seen from a position on the near shore.

Locality:  Neversink River, near Otisville, NY
Species:  Alasmidonta heterodon

A narrow river with rapids and tree-lined banks with lush green leaves.

Locality:  Ken Lockwood Gorge Wildlife Management Area, S. branch of the Raritan River, Lebanon Township, Hunterdon Co., NJ
Species:  Elliptio complanata

A  river with tree-lined banks with lush green leaves.

Locality:  S. branch of the Raritan River, Lebanon Township, Hunterdon Co., NJ
Species:  Elliptio complanata

A narrow creek with marshy low green vegetation along the immediate banks and tall trees slightly recessed from the banks.

Locality:  Pompeston Creek, Cinnaminson/Riverton border, Burlington Co., NJ
Species:  Elliptio complanataLigumia nasutaPyganodon cataracta

A body of water seen through the branches of foliage on the near shore.

Locality:  Pompeston Creek, Cinnaminson/Riverton border, Burlington Co., NJ
Species:  Elliptio complanataLigumia nasutaPyganodon cataracta

A narrow creek with trees along both banks.

Locality:  Stony Brook, Pennington, Mercer Co., NJ.
Species:  Alasmidonta undulataAlasmidonta varicosaElliptio complanataStrophitus undulatusPyganodon cataracta


A long narrow boat dock jutting into a wide body of water with trees in the distance along the shore.

Locality:  Washining Lake, Salisbury, CT
Species:  Elliptio complanataDreissena polymorphaPyganodon cataracta