GE phoenix v|tome|x s240
Our X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) Laboratory has been developed with the intent of doing non-destructive, 3D imaging and analyses of both rare and delicate samples of varying size and physical properties. Another aim has been to digitally collect samples for metrology and collaborative purposes due to the ease of file sharing and digital processing. For examples of the type of work we use the CT scanner and its resources for, we are currently developing a YouTube channel to display some of our scans and to give users an example of attainable results. A link will be provided here and on the MIF home page once the channel is up and running.
Usage and User Responsibilities
For use of our CT scanner, please first refer to the laboratory User Policy on our website, and contact staff to discuss your project before requesting time on our scheduling system.
Scan Data
The MIF currently houses a limited storage space that only allows the lab to hold on to scan data for a 30-day period. Within this 30-day period users are required to retrieve their data and delete it from MIF server. In many instances, this can be done on the same day that the user scans specimens. However, in other instances the user is required to schedule a "data reconstruction and retrieval" day in which they process and transfer data on to their or their departments storage device(s). For further details, contact the Microscopy Imaging Facility Staff.
Technical Overview and Description
GE phoenix v|tome|x s 240 System Overview
The 2010 GE phoenix v|tome|x s240 system is composed of two x-ray tubes, a high-resolution amorphous silicon detector and GE phoenix datos acquisition and reconstruction software. Scan data is reconstructed by the implementation of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The reconstructed data is then compiled on high powered workstation. For post-processing and analysis of reconstructed-scan data, the lab currently utilizes Volume Graphics VG Studio Max 3.4 as well as Fiji, Dragonfly, and others. All of these workstations have been optimized to process large files through computationally rigorous algorithms such as high-resolution CT data requires.
GE phoenix v|tome|x s240 System Technical Description
For technical details regarding our CT system, we have broken the system down to tube-specific below with details pertaining to both x-ray tubes as well as the detector. The two x-ray tubes are used interchangeably to meet sample based and research requirements. The same detector is used for both x-ray tubes. These sub-systems are all GE manufactured products and can be viewed on their web-page.
Nano-focus high resolution x-ray tube: The nano-focus, 180 kV x-ray tube produces a transmission type signal with interchangeable molybdenum, tungsten or diamond targets. This tube is employed when scanning small or low x-ray attenuating samples. It is able to produce a focal spot of 200 nm through the use of specialized modi. Resolution range from .8um to 120um. A diamond target is used for most samples requiring this tube's resolution potential, however for those of low-attenuating contrast and the need for sub-10 micrometer resolution, the molybdenum target is installed for improved scan quality. With ideal settings, the resultant CT data is capable under optimal sample conditions of yielding sub-micrometer voxel resolution.
Micro-focus high energy x-ray tube: The micro-focus, 240 kV x-ray tube emits a reflected signal off of a tungsten target. This tube is employed when CT-ing large or high x-ray attenuating samples. Due to the high yield of x-rays generated by a reflective signal rather than a transmitted signal, the reflected signal's high-energetic nature is able to supply the radiation needed to penetrate high attenuating material. In addition, the high yield of x-rays produces a strong signal transmitted through the sample for cleaner data collection. Commonly, this x-ray tube is used when a voxel size greater than 15 micrometers is sufficient for a sample or when metal deposits, high attenuating material or other artifact causing, absorptive material is commonplace in the sample. Minimum resolution is ~120 um.
DXR250: This amorphous silicone flat-panel detector is composed of a 2000x2000 pixel array at 200 micrometer pixel pitch with 14-bit capable detection. The active area of detection is 16 in. x 16 in. Exposure rates (termed "detector timing" in our set-up) can be adjusted to suit saturation needs at multiple intervals ranging from 131 ms to 5 s. For large specimens, a Helix or a Multi-scan project can be enabled to cover specimens unable to fit entirely within the 16 in. (20.62 cm) height of the detector face. The 14-bit detection allows for x-ray positive images written in a 16-bit .tiff format, which corresponds to over 65,000 gray-levels for an enhanced dynamic range of x-ray images.
Prior to June 2020 the detector was a DXR250RT 8"x8" 1000x1000 pixel detector.
For more information or clarification of the details provided please contact us at either [email protected] or a[email protected] .