
In addition to major instrumentation, the MIF can also offer other research supporting 'services'. These all must still be booked on Calpendo, with differing advance booking requirements.

Poster Printing

  • Large format posters for presentation at academic conferences only
  • Size limit 44"x60".
  • One poster per person
  • Must be booked 2 weeks in advance


Specimen Preparation

SEM Preparation

For these two preparation, we generally have all required materials like carbon tape and stubs. These are booked on Calpendo and generally can be booked up to one day in advance.

  • Critical Point Drying
  • Sputter Coating
CT Scan Preparation

We do have some specimen staining materials (iodine, osmium, etc), but may not have the best protocols for your samples. Please reach out well in advance if you may need assistance with this so we can collaborate.


3D Printing

We have a Dremel 3D printer which can be used to generate models to be used in education or outreach events. This cannot be scheduled online, please email [email protected] if you are interested. For bigger requests, you may be asked to contribute to filament costs.