build their scientific literacy by using new topic-related vocabulary in a team setting
share their understandings with the larger class
using reference materials
large pieces of paper
encyclopedia and other reference materials
Divide the students into teams and assign each team 5 or 6 letters of the alphabet.
Have teams write each letter clearly, one at a time, on paper. After each letter, ask students to write a concept or item that is related to climate change or to the environment. After the idea, concept or item, have students write a fact or piece of information they have learned from the news, reference materials, or the Climate Change exhibition. Some Examples:
A—atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere consists primarily of oxygen (about 21%) and nitrogen (about 78%). The remaining gases include small amounts of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other trace gases.
F—fossil fuels. Every day we use fuels formed millions of years ago from the remains of plants and animals. Oil, coal, and natural gas are fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct from the burning of fossil fuels.
After teams have completed their letters, have them present their "Environmental Alphabet" to the class and post them on the wall.