Devonian Trilobites of Europe (alphabetized)
Click each trilobite to learn more.
Acastoides henni henni
Barrandeops (Lahnops) steinmeyeri
Braunops ?sp.1
Chotecops ferdinandi
Cyphaspis ceratophthhalma
Cyphaspis collini
Diademaproetus holzapfeli
Dianops limbatus
Dipleura sp.
Gerastos sp.
Hallandclarkeops troaonensis (Morzadec, 1983)
Leonaspis kleiny
Lioharpes (Lioharpes) aff. venulosus
Liolophops sublevatus
Odontochile hausmani
Phacops subcristatus
Platyscutellum or Scutellum sp.
Reedops cephalotes
Rhenops lethaeae
Scabriscutellum (Cavetia) cf. furciferum
Scutellum flabelliferum
Spiniscutellum umbeliferum
Trimerocephalus caecus
Wenndorfia mutabilis
Xiphogonium trautensteinensis
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