Our Senses: How Mammals See the World In Many Colors
Published January 25, 2018
[The Museum’s logo appears. Behind it and out of focus, an animated eye blinks.]
[Zoom in to an illustration of a cone cell—an elongated form with a ridged cone shape on the end.]
ROB DESALLE (Curator, Division of Invertebrate Zoology): A cone cell is a cell in the retina of your eye.
[Zoom out to a diagram of a human eye. A line animates to the back of the eyeball, and bounces back at an angle, followed by the appearance of text—“RETINA.”]
[Zoom in to a row of cone cells.]
DESALLE: And the field of cone cells can translate all kinds of different colors that we see in the environment.
[Cone cells shrink in frame, and are silhouetted, as if they are a movie theater audience. On the “screen” before them, footage appears of multi-colored flowers.]
[Cut to a single cone cell. The camera zooms in to one of the cone cell’s ridges. There, we see a twisting, coiling form, representing a protein.]
DESALLE: The cone cell has an amazing kind of a protein embedded in its membrane called an opsin.
[A dotted line animates out from the protein, and the text “OPSIN” appears.]
[Three opsin protein forms appear over the colors red, green, and blue.]
DESALLE: There’s a red opsin protein, and a green opsin protein, and a blue opsin protein.
[Cut to the opsin protein in the cone cell. The camera zooms into the protein, and the illustration of a molecule appears in the middle of the opsin. A dotted line animates out, and the text “RETINAL” appears.]
DESALLE: And this protein has a little molecule in it called retinal that’s just kind of nestled inside of the protein.
[Three opsin proteins—red, green, and blue—grow in size, and then shrink, moving to the bottom third of the screen Above each plays a piece of footage corresponding in color with the opsins—a red rose blooms above the red opsin, a green frog sits above the green opsin, and blue ocean waves above the blue opsin.]
DESALLE: The opsin proteins, they’re all programmed, so to speak, to toss out the retinal when they’re hit by a specific wavelength of light.
[The opsin proteins have cartoon arms, which reach into their forms, take out the retinal molecules and toss them away. This action is repeated several times]
[A single opsin protein with cartoon arms makes signals with semaphore flags.]
DESALLE: When they toss out this retinal, they send a signal to the cell…
[A nerve cell also holds semaphore flags, and signals with them.]
DESALLE: …that then sends a signal to your nervous system…
[The camera quickly tracks up and down, following the course of a zigzagging line.]
DESALLE: …that goes to your brain.
[An illustrated brain appears. Zoom into the brain, which flashes red.]
DESALLE: And that’s how you interpret the colors.
[An illustrated bat swings from a branch on the left of the screen, while on the right an illustrated beluga whale bobs up and down.]
DESALLE: Some mammals have no color vision whatsoever. They see things in black and white.
[Curator Rob DeSalle speaks in his office. On-screen text gives his name and title as “Curator, Division of Invertebrate Zoology.”]
DESALLE: Color vision, more than likely, evolved in primates about 35 million years ago.
[Three illustrated monkeys in red, green, and blue, sit on an abstracted shape, in front of an archival photo of a rainforest. The text “SQUIRREL MONKEY (Samiri sciureus)” appears, and dotted lines animate out from the text to the three monkeys.]
DESALLE: Some monkey species have incredibly interesting color vision.
[A vintage cartoon plays, surrounded by a cutout of an elaborate movie theater curtain. The cartoon is shown in a limited color range, and depicts an elderly woman looking at a monkey in a zoo cage. A sign in front of the monkey reads, “Do not feed the monkeys.” A silhouette of a monkey from behind is on the right side of the screen, as if that monkey is seated in the theater, watching the cartoon.]
DESALLE: Some monkeys in the population see two colors…
[The monkey on the right disappears, and a different monkey appears on the left. The cartoon continues to play, but now has a greater variety of colors.]
DESALLE: …and other monkeys see three.
[The monkey on the right reappears. Both monkeys watch the cartoon, which is now a split screen. On the left, the cartoon appears in full color. On the right, the number of colors is restricted.]
DESALLE: So, you have this population of monkeys where one part of it’s seeing a completely different colored world than the other part of it.
[Cut to a close up of two monkey faces in front of a forest scene. The scene behind the monkey on the right appears in full color, and on the left, with a more restricted color range.]
[Card appears saying: “American Museum of Natural History, Our Senses: An Immersive Experience, Open Through January 2019. Our Senses is generously supported by Dana and Virginia Randt.”]
[Credits roll.]
Humans see a variety of colors because our eyes have three types of cone cells. But things don't look quite as vivid for some of our fellow mammals—some see in two colors, others just in black and white. Color vision evolved in primates about 35 million years ago. And in some species like the squirrel monkey, part of the population evolved to see a completely different colored world than the other.
Check out the Museum’s blog for more info, and visit the exhibition website.