Bio-Inspiration Quiz

Biotechnologists turn to nature for ideas about how to approach tough engineering problems. Each animal pictured below has a characteristic that has inspired a product idea listed in the center column. Can you match them up?

Most of these products have yet to be developed and tested, and although some may never be realized, many others have yet to be dreamed up. All show what can happen when human imagination taps into the engine of natural selection.

Learn about developed bioinspired ideas.




Title and background images: Compositions from Ernst Haeckel’s images, Surgical Patch: Courtesy Karp Laboratory, Gecko: F. Hecker/AGE Fotostock, Drug delivery system: Courtesy Karp Laboratory, Parasite Worm: Richard Kessel/Visuals Unlimited, Shark Skin: Ted Kinsman/Science Source, Sandcastle Worm: Fred Hayes/University of Utah, Namib Desert Beetle: Tierfotoagentur/AGE Fotostock, Mussel Beards: Pascal Goetgheluck/Science Source, Jumbo Squid Beak: WaterFrame/Alamy