Looking for the big picture?
It doesn’t get any bigger than cosmology: the science of how the universe began and developed. What is it made of? How is it structured? What is its eventual fate, billions of years in the future? Supercomputer models and observations from ever-larger telescopes on the ground and in space have transformed cosmology into a predictive science, providing evidence that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, propelled by a mysterious pressure called “dark energy.”
Blog Post
New Study IDs Nearby Star Systems That Can “See” Earth
A new study identifies nearby star systems from which Earth would be visible.
June 23, 2021
Blog Post
New Observations Point to Light Flare from Black Hole Merger
Explore groundbreaking research revealing how black holes collide and emit light, defying previous assumptions.
June 25, 2020
Exploring the Dark Universe: Cosmic Microwave Background
Dr. Mordecai Mac Low discusses the energy left over from the Big Bang.
Exploring the Dark Universe: Dark Energy
Curator Mordecai-Mark Mac Low on dark energy.
Blog Post
Behind This Week’s News about the Big Bang
Explore the latest findings and insights into the Big Bang, shedding light on early universe research.
March 19, 2014
Blog Post
Help NASA Find a Planet
A new citizen-science tool invites the public to help search for nearby worlds, including a possible undiscovered planet in our own...
February 15, 2017
Exploring the Dark Universe: Dark Matter
Curator Mordecai-Mark Mac Low on dark matter.
Blog Post
Detonating White Dwarfs as Supernovae
Explore the processes that cause white dwarfs to detonate as supernovae and their implications for stellar evolution.
October 4, 2016
Reading + Game
How Did the Universe Begin?
Find out how the Big Bang Theory came to be.
Profile: Georges Lemaître, Father of the Big Bang
When a Catholic priest and cosmologist first proposed that the universe began as a "primeval atom," it seemed preposterous.
Space and Time
How do you describe your place in the 4th dimension?
Blog Post
Watch for Rare Recurrent Nova Begins
Amateur astronomers are watching a distant star that's due to erupt into a nova soon.
August 16, 2016
Profile: Carl Sagan and the Quest for Life in the Universe
From television and films to professional journals and best-selling books, Carl Sagan's influence was legendary.
Case Study: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
See how scientists detected a faint remnant glow that supports the Big Bang theory.
Meet the Universe's Main Attraction... Gravity
Find out why a ball thrown in the air will return to the ground.
Profile: Vera Rubin and Dark Matter
Vera Rubin proposed that for every visible star in the observable universe, there are nine other invisible masses.
2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation?
From sci-fi idea to serious debate.