
It takes more than 40 different species to make a simple lunch (tuna sandwich on whole wheat, potato chips, iced tea, and an apple).

You’d be surprised to know how far some of the ingredients have traveled. As shoppers and as eaters, we play a critical role in shaping what ends up on our plate and why. Informed choices keep us healthy and help protect ecosystems around the world — along with all the species, including humans, that depend on them.

Video SciCafe: How "Paleo" is Your Diet? Reconstructing ancient microbiomes. Video SciCafe: The Raw Truth About Cooking with Rachel Carmody How do cooking and processing our food affect the way our bodies respond to nutrients? Reading Global Grocery Have you ever wondered what gives chocolate its flavor? Or where olive oil comes from? You might be surprised to learn just how far...   Healthy Eating for You and the Planet: Select Seasonally Guide on seasonal foods of the Northeastern United States. Blog Post Our Global Kitchen: Brazilian Urban Farms Six exquisite miniature dioramas in the new exhibition Our Global Kitchen: Food, Nature, Culture illuminate diverse methods of farming... December 26, 2012 Educator Materials The Green Guerillas, New York City From a humble start 25 years ago tossing seed-filled water balloons into abandoned city lots, the Green Guerillas have grown into... Article Farming in a Dry Land Mexico's Oaxaca Valley gets almost no rain for seven months of the year. Exhibition Our Global Kitchen: Food, Nature, Culture Take a journey around the world and through time as you consider some of the most challenging issues of our time. November 17, 2012 — August 11, 2013 Reading The Quest for the Perfect Tomato Find out how scientists are using genetics to change the food you eat. Blog Post Artifacts from Museum’s Collections Offer Clues to Two-Thousand-Year-Old Cooking Methods Ancient cooking methods from 2,000 years ago reveal fascinating insights into culinary traditions and cultural practices. November 28, 2012   Healthy Eating For You and the Planet: Avoiding Pesticides in Produce Guide on fruits and vegetables that are typically most likely to have higher pesticide residue levels. Article Fire and the Brain: How Cooking Shaped Humans It takes a lot of calories to power a human brain. Find out how cooking and gut microbes help us make the most of our food.

Support for the development of Science Topics was generously provided by Sidney and Helaine Lerner, GRACE Communications Foundation.