Peter Whiteley's Recent Publications
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Ward C. Wheeler and Peter M. Whiteley. Cladistics (Early View 5-13-2014)
Supplementary Information:
Version of September 12, 2011, in press, in Current Issues in the Archaeology of Chaco Canyon, A.D. 850-1150, edited by Stephen Plog and Caroline Heitman (Tucson: University of Arizona Press).
2012. (Ward C. Wheeler, Peter M. Whiteley, and Theodore Powers) Phylogenetic Analysis of Socio-Cultural Data: Identifying Transformation Vectors for Kinship Systems. In Crow-Omaha: New Light on a Classic Problem of Kinship Analysis, Thomas R. Trautmann and Peter M. Whiteley, eds., pp. 109-31. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2012. Crow-Omaha Kinship in North America: A Puebloan Perspective. In Crow-Omaha: New Light on a Classic Problem of Kinship Analysis, Thomas R. Trautmann and Peter M. Whiteley, eds., pp. 83-108. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2011. Who Were the Napac? Decoding an Ethnohistorical Enigma. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 77:1:59-86.
2011. Hopi Place Value: Translating a Landscape. In Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation, Brian Swann, ed., pp 84-108. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2009. Losing the Names: Native Languages, Identity, and the State. In Language and Poverty, Wayne Harbert, Sally McConnell-Ginet, Amanda Miller, and John Whitman, editors, pp. 161-179. Multilingual Matters: Clevedon, UK.
2008. Paper delivered by Dr. Peter Whiteley at CBC Symposium "Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity in a Rapidly Changing World: Lessons for Global Policy," April 3, 2008. Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History.
2008. Paper delivered by Dr. Peter Whiteley at the colloquium on Engaged and Public Anthropology, April 1, 2008. American Museum of Natural History.
2008. The Orayvi Split: A Hopi Transformation. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, no. 87.
2008. Explanation vs. Sensation: the Discourse of Cannibalism at Awat'ovi. In Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest, Deborah Nichols and Patricia Crown, eds., pp. 184-215. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2007. Foreword in Edward P. Dozier: the Paradox of the American Indian Anthropologist by Marilyn Norcini. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2004. The Hopi Gift Economy. Natural History 113:9:26-31.
2004. Why Anthropology Needs More History. Journal of Anthropological Research Distinguished Lecture. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:4:487-514.
2004. Ethnography. In A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians, Thomas Biolsi, ed., pp. 435-471. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
2004. Social Formations in the Pueblo IV Southwest: an Ethnological View. In Cluster Analysis, E. Charles Adams and Andrew Duff., eds., pp. 144-155. University of Arizona Press.
2004. Bartering Pahos with the President. Ethnohistory 51:2:359-414.
2003. Do "Language Rights" Serve Indigenous Interests? Some Hopi and Other Queries. American Anthropologist 105:4:712-722.
2003. Reconnoitering "Pueblo" Ethnicity: the 1852 Tesuque Delegation to Washington. Journal of the Southwest 45:3:437-518.
2003. Leslie White's Hopi Ethnography: Of Practice and in Theory. Journal of Anthropological Research 59:2:151-81.
2002. Prehistoric Archaeology And Oral History: the Scientific Importance of Dialogue.
Forum article in American Antiquity 67:3:405-415.