Anthropology Publications

The Division of Anthropology has been publishing anthropological studies since 1896. Current reports are published in the Anthropological Papers, a series established in 1906 and devoted exclusively to anthropology. A few articles have appeared in Novitates. Prior to 1906, anthropological reports were published in the Bulletin, with the exception of the large special reports published in the Memoir series. Since 1955, the Museum has published the James Arthur Lectures on the Evolution of the Human Brain, which regularly contain material of anthropological interest.

• Anthropological Papers 
• Special Publications
• Memoirs
• Novitates
• James Arthur Lectures on the Evolution of the Human Brain 

Anthropological Papers 

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• The Huánuco Pampa: Archaeological Project Volume I: The Plaza and Palace Complex.
Craig Morris, R. Alan Covey, Pat Stein.
No 96, 234 pp, 230 figs, 35 tables. 2011.

• Murder and Martyrdom in Spanish Florida: Don Juan and the Guale Uprising in 1597.
J. Michael Francis and Kathleen M. Kole.
No 95, 154 pp, 6 figs, 8 tables. 2011. $25.00.

• Geoarchaeology of St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
Gale A. Bishop, Harold B. Rollins, and David Hurst Thomas.
No 94, 391 pp, 124 figs. 2011. $40.00.

• Trend, Tradition, and Turmoil.
David Hurst Thomas and Matthew C. Sanger.
No 93, 341 pp, 71 figs, 24 tables. 2010. $40.00.

• The Clements Site (41CS25): A Late to Early 18th-century Nasoni Caddo Settlement and Cemetery.
Timothy K. Perttula, Bo Nelson, Robert L. Cast and Bobby Gonzalez.
No 92, 52 pp, 40 figs, 5 tables. 2010. $10.00.

• Mission and Pueblo of Santa Catalina de Guale, St. Catherines Island, Georgia: A Comparative Zooarchaeological Analysis.
Elizabeth J. Reitz, Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman, Daniel C. Weinand and Gwyneth A. Duncan with contributions by David Hurst Thomas.
No 91, 275 pp. 2010. $10.00.

• From Santa Elena to St. Augustine: Indigenous Ceramic Variability (A.D. 1400-1700).
Kathleen Deagan and David Hurst Thomas.
No 90, 229 pp, 77 figs, 42 tables. 2009. $10.00.

• The Beads of St. Catherines Island.
Elliot H. Blair, Lorann S.A. Pendleton and Peter Francis, Jr. with contributions by Eric Powell and David Hurst Thomas.
No 89, 312 pp, 35 figs, 12 plates (in color), 7 tables. 2009. $10.00.

• Native American Landscapes of St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
Part I: The Theoretical Framework. Part II: The Data. Part III: Synthesis and Implications.
David Hurst Thomas.
no 88, 1136 pp, 317 figs, 228 tables. 2008. $20.00.

• The Orayvi Split: A Hopi Transformation.
Part I: Structure and History. Part II: The Documentary Record.
Peter M. Whiteley.
no 87, 1163 pp, 170 figs, 98 tables. 2008. $20.00.

• Archaeological Survey in the High Llanos and Andean Piedmont of Barinas, Venezuela.
Elsa M. Redmond and Charles S. Spencer.
no 86, 343 pp, 367 figs, 8 tables. 2007. $20.00.

• Green Revolution: Agricultural and Social Change in a North Indian Village.
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
no 85, 312 pp, 63 figs (51 in color), 6 tables. 2002. $5.00

• Bioarchaeology of the Late Prehistoric Guale: South End Mound I, St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
Clark Spencer Larsen.
no 84, 104 pp, 22 figs, 27 tables. 2002. $5.00

• Body Mass in Cercopithecidae (Primates, Mammalia): Estimation and Scaling in Extinct and Extant Taxa.
Eric Delson, Carl J. Terranova, William Jungers, Eric J. Sargis, Nina G. Jablonski and Paul C. Dechow.
no 83, 159 pp, 19 figs, 23 tables. 2000. $5.00.

• Hindu Festivals in a North Indian Village. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 
no 81, 336 pp, 86 figs (50 color), 8 tables. 1998. $5.00.

• Archaeology of the Cañada de Cuicatlán, Oaxaca. 
Charles A. Spencer and Elsa M. Redmond. 
no 80, 642 pp, 307 figs, 88 tables. 1997. $15.00.

• Trait Origins in Trobriand War-shields: The Uncommon Selection of an Image Cluster. 
Philip C. Gifford. 
no 79, 13 pp, 8 figs. 1996. $2.70.

• Pseudopotto martini: A New Genus and Species of Extant Lorisiform Primate. 
Jeffrey H. Schwartz. 
no 78, 14 pp, 9 figs, 2 tables. 1996. $2.60.

• Bioarchaeology of the Stillwater Marsh: Prehistoric Human Adaptation in the Western Great Basin. 
Clark Spencer Larsen and Robert L. Kelly. 
no 77, 170 pp, 42 figs, 47 tables. 1995. $5.00.

• A Review of the Pleistocene Hominoid Fauna of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Excluding Hylobatinae).
Jeffrey Schwartz, Vu The Long, Nguyen Lan Cuong, Le Trung Kha and Ian Tattersall. 
no 76, 30 pp, 11 figs, 17 tables. 1995. $2.00.

• Situado and Sabana: Spain's Support System for the Presidio and Mission Provinces of Florida. 
Amy Turner Bushnell. 
no 74, 249 pp, 8 figs, 3 tables. 1994. $5.00.

• A Diverse Hominoid Fauna from the Late Middle Pleistocene Breccia Cave of Tham Khuyen, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 
Jeffrey Schwartz, Vu The Long, Nguyen Lan Cuong, Le Trung Kha and Ian Tattersall. 
no 73, 11 pp, 6 figs, 2 tables. 1994. $2.10.

• Ghosts: Life and Death in North India. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
no 72, 396 pp, 10 figs. 1993. $5.00.

• Kwakiutl String Figures. 
Julia P. Averkieva and Mark A. Sherman. 
no 71, 199 pp, illus. 1992. $3.00 (hardback).

• The Tlingit Indians. 
George T. Emmons, Frederica de Laguna, ed. 
no 70, 488 pp, illus. 1991. $6.00 (hardback).

• Phylogeny and Nomenclature in the Lemur group of Malagasy Strepsirhine Primates. 
Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey H. Schwartz. 
no 69, 18 pp, 10 figs, 3 tables. 1991. $2.00.

• The Archaeology of Mission Santa Catalina de Guale: 2. Biocultural Interpretations of a Population in Transition. 
Clark Spencer Larsen, ed. 
no 68, 150 pp, 51 figs, 36 tables. 1990. $5.00.

• The Archaeology of Pinyon House, Two Eagles, and Crater Middens: Three Residential Sites in Owens Valley, Eastern California. 
Robert L. Bettinger. 
no 67, 355 pp, 98 figs, 102 tables. 1989. $5.00.

• The Archaeology of Monitor Valley: 3. Survey and Additional Excavations.
David Hurst Thomas.
vol 66, pt 2, pp 131-633, 229 figs, 88 tables. 1988. $15.00.

• Danger Cave, Last Supper Cave, and Hanging Rock Shelter. The Faunas. 
Donald Grayson. 
vol 66, pt 1, pp 1-130, illus. 1988. $5.00.

• The Golden Stool: Studies of the Asante Center and Periphery.
Enid Schildkrout, ed.
vol 65, pt 1, pp 1-331, illus. 1987. $4.00.

• Shell Bead Ornament Exchange Networks Between California and the Western Great Basin. 
James A. Bennyhoff and Richard E. Hughes. 
vol 64, pt 2, pp 79-175, illus. 1987. $5.00.

• Uncertain Revolution: Panchayati Raj and Democratic Elections in a North Indian Village
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 
vol 64, pt 1, pp 1-78, 7 figs, 1 table. 1987. $3.00.

• The Archaeology of Mission Santa Catalina de Guale: 1. Search and Discovery.
David Hurst Thomas.
vol 63, pt 2, pp 47-161, 53 figs, 2 tables. 1987. $5.00.

• The Archaeology of St. Catherines Island: 5. The South End Mound Complex. 
Clark Spencer Larsen and David Hurst Thomas. 
vol 63, pt 1, pp 1-46, 22 figs, 17 tables. 1986. $4.00.

• The Preceramic Excavations at the Huaca Prieta Chicama Valley, Peru. 
Junius Bird, John Hyslop and Milica Skinner. 
vol 62, pt 1, pp 1-294. 1985. $6.00

• The Archaeology of Hidden Cave, Nevada.
David Hurst Thomas.
vol 61, pt 1, pp 1-430, 126 figs, 86 tables. 1985. $5.00.

• Fertility, Sterilization, and Population Growth in Shanti Nagar, India: A Longitudinal Ethnographic Approach. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 
vol 60, pt 3, pp 229-286, 3 figs, 30 tables. 1985. $3.00.

• The Psychomedical Case History of a Low Caste Woman of North India. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 
vol 60, pt 2, pp 101-228. 1985. $5.00.

• The Archaeology of Monitor Valley: 2. Gatecliff Shelter.
David Hurst Thomas.
vol 59, pt 1, pp 1-552, 242 figs, 91 tables. 1983. $5.00.

• The Archaeology of Monitor Valley: 1. Epistemology.
David Hurst Thomas.
vol 58, pt 1, pp 1-194, 40 figs, 7 tables. 1983. $5.00.

• A Review of the European Primate Genus Anchomomys and Some Allied Forms. 
Jeffrey H. Schwartz and Ian Tattersall. 
vol 57, pt 5, pp 343-352, 4 figs. 1983. $1.00

• The Anthropology of St. Catherines Island: 4. The St. Catherines Period Mortuary Complex.
Clark Spencer Larsen and David Hurst Thomas. 
vol 57, pt 4, pp 271-342, 38 figs, 22 tables. 1982. $6.50.

• The Anthropology of St. Catherines, Island: 3. Prehistoric Human Biological Adaptation.
Clark Spencer Larsen, ed. 
vol 57, pt 3, pp 157-270, 11 figs, 56 tables. 1982. $5.00.

• Enculturation and Education in Shanti Nagar. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
vol 57, pt 2, pp 49-156, 13 figs, 4 tables. 1981. $2.00.

• Tlingit Halibut Hooks: An Analysis of the Visual Symbols of a Rite of Passage.
Aldona Jonaitis. 
vol 57, pt 1, pp 1-48, 16 figs, 4 tables. 1981. $3.00.

• Rites of Passage in Shanti Nagar
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
vol 56, pt 3, pp 323-554, 21 figs, 5 tables. 1980. $3.00.

• The Anthropology of St. Catherines Island: 2. The Refuge-Deptford Mortuary Complex. 
David Hurst Thomas and Clark Spencer Larsen. 
vol 56, pt 1, pp 1-180, 113 figs, 34 tables. 1979. $5.00.

• The Héta Indians: Fish in a Dry Pond. 
Vladimír Kozák, David Baxter, Laila Williamson, and Robert L. Carneiro. 
vol 55, pt 6, pp 349-434, 68 figs. 1979. $1.00.

• Shanti Nagar. The Effects of Urbanization in a Village in North India. 3. Sickness and Health. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
vol 55, pt 5, pp 285-348, 2 figs, 3 tables. 1979. $2.50.

• The Phylogenetic Relationships of Adapidae (Primates, Lemuriformes). 
Jeffrey H. Schwartz and Ian Tattersall. 
vol 55, pt 4, pp 271-284,2 figs. 1979. $1.00.

• The Archaeology of Silent Snake Springs, Humboldt County, Nevada. 
Thomas N. Layton and David Hurst Thomas. 
vol 55, pt 3, pp 249-270, 12 figs, 5 tables. 1979. $2.00.

• The Anthropology of St. Catherines Island: 1. Natural and Cultural History. 
David Hurst Thomas, Grant D. Jones, Roger S. Durham and Clark Spencer Larsen. 
vol 55, pt 2, pp 155-248, 39 figs, 4 tables. 1978. $5.00.

• Shanti Nagar. The Effects of Urbanization in a Village in North India. 2. Aspects of Economy, Technology and Ecology
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
vol 55, pt 1, pp 1-154, 74 figs, 4 tables. 1978. $3.00.

• Ecology and Behavior of Lemur fulvus mayottensis (Primates, Lemuriformes).
Ian Tattersall.
vol 54, pt 4, pp 421-482, 30 figs, 10 tables. 1977. $2.00.

• Rich Man, Poor Man: Observations on Three Antebellum Burials From the Georgia Coast. 
David Hurst Thomas, Stanley South and Clark Spencer Larsen. 
vol 54, pt 3, pp 393-420. 1977. $2.00.

• Puntutjarpa Rockshelter and the Australian Desert Culture.
Richard A. Gould. 
vol 54, pt 1, pp 1-188, 94 figs, 57 tables. 1977. $3.00.

• Group Structure and Activity Rhythm in Lemur mongoz on Anjouan and Moheli Islands, Comoro Archipelago.
Ian Tattersall. 
vol 53, pt 4, pp, 367-380, 6 figs, 2 tables. 1976. $1.00.

• Notes on the Status of Lemur macaco and Lemur fulvus (Primates, Lemuriformes). 
Ian Tattersall. 
vol 53, pt 2, pp 255-262, 2 figs. 1976. $1.00.

• Shanti Nagar. The Effects of Urbanization in a Village in North India. 1. Social Organization. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
vol 53, pt 1, pp 1-254, 19 figs, 114 tables. 1976. $3.00.

• Campa Cosmology.
Gerald Weiss.
vol 52, pt 5, pp 217-588, 24 figs, 8 tables. 1975. $1.00.

• Observations on the Ecology and Behavior of the Mongoose Lemur Lemur mongoz mongozLinnaeus (Primates, Lemuriformes), at Ampijoroa, Madagascar. 
Ian Tattersall and Robert W. Sussman. 
vol 52, pt 4, pp 421-482, 15 figs, 3 tables. 1975. $1.00.

• Islam and Politics in Kumasi.
Enid Schildkrout. 
vol 52, pt 2, pp 111-138, 3 figs. 1974. $2.00.

• Cranial Anatomy of the Archaeolemurinae (Lemuroidea, Primates).
Ian Tattersall.
vol 52, pt 1, pp 1-110, 38 figs, 10 tables. 1973. $1.00.

• Excavations at Bampur, a Third Millennium Settlement in Persian Baluchistan, 1966.
Beatrice Decardi.
vol 51, pt 3, pp 231-356, 52 figs, 5 tables. 1970. $2.00.

• Archaeology on the Island of Mo'orea, French Polynesia.
Roger C. Green, Kaye Green, Roy A. Rappaport, Ann Rappaport, and Janet Davidson.
vol 51, pt 2, pp 111-230, 21 figs, 13 tables, pls 17-23. 1967. $2.00.

• Archaeology of the Fatherland Site: the Grand Village of the Natchez.
Robert S. Neitzel.
vol 51, pt 1, pp 1-108, 21 figs, 4 tables, pls 1-16. 1967. $2.00.

• Archaeological Studies in the Seistan Basin of Southwestern Afghanistan and Eastern Iran.
Walter A. Fairservis, Jr.
vol 48, pt 1, pp 5-128, 49 figs, 7 tables, pls 1-19. 1961. $2.00.

• Archaeological Surveys in the Zhob and Loralai Districts, West Pakistan. 
Walter A. Fairservis, Jr. 
vol 47, pt 2, pp 277-445. 1959. $3.00.

• Shamshir Ghar: Historic Cave Site in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. 
Louis Dupree. 
vol 46, pt 2, pp 137-312, 102 figs, 17 tables, pls 1-38. 1958. $5.00.

• The Mountain Arapesh. V. The Record of Unabelin with Rorschach Analyses.
Margaret Mead. 
vol 41, pt 3, pp 285-390, 1 fig, pI 1. 1949. $5.00.

• The Mountain Arapesh. II. Supernaturalism. 
Margaret Mead. 
vol 37, pt 3, pp 317-451. 1940. $5.00.

• Archaeology in Central Alaska. 
Froelich G. Rainey. 
vol 36, pt 4, pp 351-405, 12 figs. 1939. $5.00.

• Excavations at La Mata, Maracay, Venezuela.
W. C. Bennett. 
vol 36, pt 2, pp 69-137,17 figs. 1937. $6.00.

• Changes in Population Profiles Among the Northern Plains Indians. 
Clark Wissler. 
vol 36, pt 1, pp 1-67.1936. $4.00.

• Navajo Texts. 
Pliny Earle Goddard. 
vol 34, pt 1, pp 1-179. 1933. $6.00.

• Anthropometry and Blood Types in Fiji and the Solomon Islands, based upon data of Dr. William L. Moss. 
William W. Howells. 
vol 33, pt 4, pp 279-339, 1 fig. 1933. $2.00.

• The Physical Characteristics of the Ontong Javanese: A Contribution to the Study of the Non-Melanesian Elements in Melanesia.
H. L. Shapiro. 
vol 33, pt 3, pp 227-278, 7 figs. 1933. $2.00.

• Observations on the Face and Teeth of the North American Indians. 
Clark Wissler. 
vol 33, pt 1, pp 1-33. 1931. $2.00.

• Notes on the Indians of the Fort Apache Region. 
Albert B. Reagan. 
vol 31, pt 5, pp 281-345. 1930. $4.00.

• Archaeological Material from the Village Site at Hot Springs, Port Moller, Alaska. 
Edward Moffat Weyer, Jr. 
vol 31, pt 4, pp 239-279, 25 figs. 1930. $4.00.

• An Aleutian Burial. 
Edward Moffat Weyer, Jr. 
vol 31, pt 3, pp 219-238, 7 figs. 1929. $3.00.

• Notes on Hopi Clans.
Robert H. Lowie. 
vol 30, pt 6, pp 303-360. 1929. $5.50.

• Hidatsa Eagle Trapping. 
Gilbert Livingstone Wilson. 
vol 30, pt 4, pp 99-245, 25 figs. 1928. $10.00.

• An Aboriginal Salt Mine at Camp Verde, Arizona.
Earl H. Morris. 
vol 30, pt 3, pp 75-97, 12 figs. 1928. $3.00.

• Symbolism in Penobscot Art.
Frank G. Speck. 
vol 29, pt 2, pp 25-80, 44 figs. 1927. $5.00.

• Wooden Hooks Used for Catching Sharks and Ruvettus in the South Seas: A Study of Their Variation and Distribution.
I. W. Gudger.
vol 28, pt 3, pp 199-348, 92 figs. 1927. $5.00.

• White Mountain Apache Texts. 
Pliny Earle Goddard. 
vol 24, pt 4, pp 369-527. 1920. $12.00.

• The Antiquity of the Deposits in Jacob's Cavern.
Vernon C. Allison. 
vol 19, pt 6, pp 293-335, 24 figs. 1926. $5.00.

• Laguna Genealogies.
Elsie Clews Parsons. 
vol 19, pt 5, pp 133-292, 22 figs, 1 map. 1923. $12.00.

• Kinship in the Philippines.
A. L. Kroeber. 
vol 19, pt 3, pp 69-84. 1919. $2.50.

• The History of Philippine Civilization as Reflected in Religious Nomenclature. 
A. L. Kroeber. 
vol 19, pt 2, pp 36-67.1918. $4.00.

• Notes on Some Little Colorado Ruins.
Leslie Spier.
vol 18, pt 4, pp 333-362, 5 figs. 1918. $4.00.

• Beaver Texts. Beaver Dialect.
Pliny Earle Goddard. 
vol 10, pts 5 and 6, pp 295-546, 191 figs. 1917. $12.00.

Special Publications

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• The Huánuco Pampa: Archaeological Project Volume I: The Plaza and Palace Complex.

• Anthropology Unmasked: Museums, Science, and Politics in New York City.
Stanley A. Freed.
Orange Frazer Press, Wilmington, Ohio.
2 volumes, 1025 pp, 208 figs, 17 maps. 2012. $1.00.

• Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch.
Aldona Jonaitis, ed. 
American Museum of Natural History, New York & University of Washington Press, Seattle & London.
300 pp, 201 figs (114 color). 1991. $15.00 (hardback).

• Andean Culture History. 
Wendell C. Bennett and Junius B. Bird. 
2nd edition. Handbook Series Number 15, pp 1-331, 57 figs. 1960. $5.00

• The Ancient Quipu or Peruvian Knot Record.
L. Leland Locke.
pp. 1-84, 17 figs, 59 pls, frontispiece, I map.

• Supplementary Notes on the Quipus in the American Museum of Natural History. 
L. Leland Locke. 
vol 30, pt 2, pp 39-73, 1 fig.
Set of 2 Quipu volumes - $8.00


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• The Huánuco Pampa: Archaeological Project Volume I: The Plaza and Palace Complex.

• Kwakiutl Texts. 
Recorded by George Hunt. Revised and edited by Franz Boas. 
vol 5, pt 2, pp 271-402. 1902. $5.00.

• Kwakiutl Texts. 
Recorded by George Hunt. Revised and edited by Franz Boas. 
vol 5, pt 1, pp 1-270. 1902. $5.00.

• Shell-heaps of the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia.
Harlan I. Smith
vol 4, pt 4, pp 133-191, figs 10-60. 1903. $5.00.

• Traditions of the Quinault Indians. 
Livingston Farrand, assisted by W. S. Kahnweiler. 
vol 4, pt 3, pp 77-132. 1902. $5.00.

• Cairns of British Columbia and Washington. 
Harlan I. Smith and Gerard Fowke. 
vol 4, pt 2, pp 55-75, pls 1-5, figs 1-9. 1901. $5.00.

• Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians. 
Livingston Farrand. 
vol 4, pt 1, pp 1-54. 1900. $5.00.

• Archaeology of the Thompson River Region, British Columbia.
Harlan I. Smith. 
vol 2, pt 6, pp 401-442, pls 24-26, figs 331-380. 1900. $5.00.

• The Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. 
Franz Boas. 
vol 2, pt 2, pp 25-128, pls 7-12. 1898. $5.00.


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• The Huánuco Pampa: Archaeological Project Volume I: The Plaza and Palace Complex.

• Checklist of the Vascular Flora of St. Catherines Island, Georgia. 
Nancy C. Coile and Samuel B. Jones, Jr. 
Number 2920, 14 pp. 1988. $1.00.

• An Annotated Catalogue of Malagasy Primates (Families Lemuridae, Indriidae, Daubentoniidae, Megaladapidae, Cheirogaleidae) in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History. 
J. Buettner-Janusch and Ian Tattersall. 
Number 2834, 45 pp, 1 fig. 1985. $1.00.

• A Revision of the European Primate Protoadapis and Some Allied Forms. 
Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey H. Schwartz. 
Number 2762, 16 pp. 1983. $1.00.

• Skull Form and the Mechanics of Mandibular Elevation in Mammals. 
David Roberts and Ian Tattersall. 
Number 2536, 9 pp. 1974. $0.50.

• A Note on the Age of the Subfossil Site of Ampasambazimba, Miarinarivo Province, Malagasy Republic. 
Ian Tattersall. 
Number 2520, 6 pp. 1973. $0.50.

• Studying Role Behavior Cross-Culturally: Comparison of a Matrilineal and a Bilateral Society.
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed. 
Number 2437, 63 pp. 1970. $1.00.

• Family Background and Occupational Goals of School Children of the Union Territory of Delhi, India.
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
Number 2348, 39 pp. 1968. $1.00.

• Mohave and Washo Role Behavior. 
Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed.
Number 2330, 49 pp. 1968. $1.00.

• The Harappan Civilization-New Evidence and More Theory. 
Walter A. Fairservis, Jr. 
Number 2055, 35 pp, 9 figs. 1961. $1.00.

• Identification and Significance of the Cucurbit Materials from Huaca Prieta, Peru.
Thomas W. Whitaker and Junius B. Bird. 
Number 1426, 15 pp, 3 figs. 1949. $1.00.

James Arthur Lectures on the Human Brain

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• The Huánuco Pampa: Archaeological Project Volume I: The Plaza and Palace Complex.


• Evolution and Development of Self-Regulation.
Michael I Posner. 25 pp. 2008.

• Evolution, Cognition, Consciousness, Intelligence and Creativity.
Rodney Cotterill, 30 pp. 2003.

• Do We Owe Our Intelligence to a Predatory Past?
C.K. Brain. 32pp. 2001.

• The Origin of the Human Capacity.
Ian Tattersall. 27 pp. 1998.

• Do Horses Gallop in Their Sleep? Consciousness, Evolution, and the Problem of Animal Minds. 
Matt Cartmill. 23 pp. 1996.

• Evolution of the Brain and Cognition in Hominids.
Dean Falk. 22 pp. 1992.

• Brain Size and the Evolution of Mind.
Harry J. Jerison. 99 pp. 1991.

• Uses of Consciousness.
Nicholas Humphrey. 22 pp. 1987.

• Hierarchical Evolution of the Human Capacity: The Paleolithic 
Alexander Marshack. 52 pp. 1984.

• Human Brain Evolution in an Ecological Context.
Robert D. Martin. 58 pp. 1982.

• The Fossil Record of Primate Brain Evolution.
Leonard Radinsky. 27 pp. 1979.

• What Squids and Octopuses Tell Us About Brains and Memories.
John Z. Young. 27 pp. 1976.

• Persistent Problems in the Physical Control of the Brain.
Elliot S. Valenstein. 62 pp. 1974.

• The Role of Human Social Behavior in the Evolution of the Brain.
Ralph L. Holloway. 45 pp. 1973.

• What Makes Man Human.
Karl H. Pribram. 38 pp. 1970.

• Three Views of the Nervous System. 
Kenneth D. Roeder. 28 pp. 1968.

• The Discrete and the Diffuse in Nervous Action. 
David P.C. Lloyd. 28 pp. 1958.