Tlingit Voices: a Bridge to New York and Beyond
On September 26 and 27, 2018, a group from AMNH traveled to Juneau, Alaska, to meet with Tlingit elders to discuss plans for the Tlingit section in the newly renovated Northwest Coast Hall.
This meeting was another step in our ongoing collaboration initiatives with Native communities and follows the major Convening hosted at AMNH in November 2017 and visits by core advisors throughout 2018. Those representing AMNH were: Peter Whiteley (Curator, North American Ethnology); Kathryn Sabella (Research Assistant, North American Ethnology); Amy Tjiong (Assistant Conservator/Mellon Conservation Fellow for the Northwest Coast Hall); Margaret Dornfeld (principal writer for the renovation, Exhibition Department).
- George Bennett, Xunaa Kwáan, Raven moiety, T'akdeintaan (Seagull) clan, Guwakaan (peace maker), Hoonah
- Ruth Demmert, Keex' Kwáan, Raven moiety, Kaach.ádi (Sockeye) clan, Kake
- Andrew Gamble, Sheey At'iká Kwáan, Eagle moiety, Kaagwaantaan (Wolf) clan, Naa sháade háni (moiety leader), Sitka
- Garfield George, Xutsnoowú Kwáan, Raven moiety, Deisheetaan (Beaver) clan, Deishú Hít (End of the Trail House) Hít s'atí (house-master), Angoon (core advisor, AMNH Northwest Coast Hall Renovation)
- Ken Grant, Xunaa Kwáan, Raven moiety, T'akdeintaan (Seagull) clan, Naa sháade háni (moiety leader), Hoona
- Steve Henrikson, Consultant, Alaska State Museum
- Fran Houston, Aak'w Kwáan, Raven moiety, L'eeneidí (Dog Salmon) clan, Auke Bay
- David Katzeek, Jilkáat Kwáan, Eagle moiety, Shangukeidí (Thunderbird) clan, House Lowered by the Sun/Tree Bark House, Naa sháade háni (moiety leader), Klukwan
- Marie Olsen, Aak'w Kwáan, Eagle moiety, Wooshkeetaan (Shark) clan, Auke Bay
- Judith Ramos, Laaxaayík Kwáan, Raven moiety, Kwaashk'i (Humpback Salmon) clan, Yakutat (core advisor, AMNH Northwest Coast Hall Renovation)
- Ray Wilson, Sheey At'iká Kwáan, Raven moiety, Kiks.ádi (Frog) clan, Naa sháade háni (moiety leader), Sitka
- Joanne Wiita-Gamble, Administrative Support
- Cyril "Joe" Zuboff, Xutsnoowú Kwáan, Raven moiety, Deisheetaan (Beaver) clan, Raven House Hít s'atí (house-master), Angoon
- Janice Criswell
- Liana Wallace
- Paul Marks
The AMNH party also met with and gathered insights from Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska representative Harold Jacobs, Gooch Shaayí, Eagle moiety, Yanyeidí Big House, Juneau.