The Scientist Is In: Day of the Dead

Sunday, November 1, 2020

12 pm ET

Sculpture and photo of a Caribbean monk seal surrounded by paper flowers, candles, beads and other offerings.
An altar to the Caribbean monk seal, now thought to be extinct.
© M. Rodriguez

Join Mexican archaeologist and Director of the Insititute of Mesoamerican Studies at Albany University, Verónica Pérez and Director of the Museum’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Ana Porzecanski for this special online family-friendly Day of the Dead celebration. Find out about this Mexican holiday when we honor those who have left the Earth and the extinct animal species, such as the monk seal, golden toad, and the O'ahu Akiaola, that the Museum commemorates on this special occasion.

Watch the recording.

The program is also presented in Spanish.

Support for Día de Muertos is provided, in part, by the family of Frederick H. Leonhardt.