*Friday, September 11 - 12:45 PM
MEHMET YESILTAS, Stony Brook University
"Synchrotron-based infrared microspectroscopy of meteorites"
*September 17 - **12:15 PM:
ALICIA CRUZ-URIBE, University of Maine
"Arc magma genesis from melting of mélange diapirs"
October 1:
CATHLEEN DOHERTY, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University
"Geochemical Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle in the West Antarctic Rift System"
October 8: No seminar
October 15:
ELISE RUMPF, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University
"Thicknesses of lunar lava flows: Comparison of layered mare units with terrestrial analogs"
October 22:
NILS BIGGE, Bochum Universiteit – Kade Fellow
"Symplectites in eclogites: P, T, X conditions of formation"
October 29:
GSA Presentations
November 5: GSA meeting in Baltimore – NO SEMINAR
November 12:
KENNET FLORES, Brooklyn College
"The formation of Middle America and the Pacific basin - Evidence from the HP-LT record"
November 19:
HEATHER WATSON, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Core formation in planetesimals: Results from x-ray microtomography and electrical conductivity experiments"
November 26: Thanksgiving Day - NO SEMINAR
December 3:
December 10: - 12:45 PM
"Digging into Augustine Volcano's Silicic Past"
December 17: AGU Fall Meeting - NO SEMINAR