
Three AMNH branded diorama puzzles are displayed
The Museum’s commercial licensing program extends the reach of our research, exhibitions, and collections to a range of audiences through relationships with trusted partners.  

Among the resources made available to licensees are scientific collections, cultural artifacts, and ephemera from the Museum's expeditions that have led the way for scientific research and discovery since its inception. Other assets include the vast collections of historical books, images, films, and documents maintained by one of the largest natural history libraries in the world, featuring volumes from the 1400s to the present day.

Current licensing categories include:

Image Licensing

  • Art prints and reproductions
  • Calendars
  • Image banks
  • Stationery

Brand and Product Licensing

  • Apparel
  • Educational toys and games
  • Scientific casts and models

Video licensing

The Known Universe

This short film takes viewers on quite a journey, from the Himalayas through Earth's atmosphere and the inky black of space all the way to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Powered by the Digital Universe 3D atlasevery star, planet, and quasar seen in the film are presented in stunning—and accurate—detail. Already a worldwide hit on YouTube, this film is available to license for regular display at museums, science centers, and other venues. 

The Known Universe was created by the Museum in 2009 as part of an exhibit for the Rubin Museum of Art, in New York.

To inquire about licensing, please complete our license request form:

License request form »