You Make A Difference!

Two green spotted frogs sitting in water Rana chiricahuensis - Chiricahua Leopard Frog
© Courtesy of Steve Wolfe
Donations are always appreciated and help to meet long-range goals fostering science focused on the abundant biodiversity of the Chiricahua Mountains, including conservation projects, science education and student research.

Your gifts are tax-deductible and help to make the following possible:

  • Chiricahua Leopard Frog Project
    Partnering with AZ Game and Fish, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bat Conservation International, and other agencies, the SWRS currently is working to reestablish the threatened Chiricahua Leopard Frog back into its native habitat. Through a head-starting program, the SWRS has successfully reared several egg masses of tadpoles in an indoor facility and released them into a wetland pond on SWRS property. To help further this goal, a wetland habitat on station grounds was increased significantly with the construction of three additional ponds. The additional water sources have increased accessible water resources not only to this charismatic frog but to a plethora of other wildlife such as ringtails, mountain lions, black bear, coues white-tailed deer, coatis, and many spectacular bird species including 13 species of hummingbirds, owls, flycatchers, Montezuna Quail and the Elegant Trogan. Additionally, open water resources are a significant conservation need for over 20 species of bats found in the Cave Creek Canyon area, including several threatened species.
  • Science Education
    Help support middle to high school students by enhancing science education and team building through outdoor classroom learning. Your donation helps enable visiting science classes to combine science with nature by immersing them in the outdoors through nature hikes, astronomy, birding, and classroom science projects. Any size contribution to this program can make a huge difference in the lives of these aspiring students.
  • Student Research
    This fund offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to further their studies in field research at the SWRS. Your contribution to this program helps support young scientists throughout the course of their research endeavors. After their research experience at the station, many students have continued on with their science studies and returned to the station in later years as professors—passing on their experience and knowledge to students of their own.

SWRS is a 501(c)(3) organization and your gifts are tax deductible.
The Station depends on the the support of our friends!

Checks may be made payable to the
Southwestern Research Station
and mailed to:

Southwestern Research Station
PO Box 16553
Portal, AZ 85632