Outside tour groups are welcome to stay at the Southwestern Research Station. Space is usually available only during the spring and fall, though the Station does accept reservations up to a week in advance from June 15 through September 1.
Tour groups that will be using National Forest areas (e.g., South Fork, Rustler Park) for activities are advised that they may be required by law to obtain an Outfitter/Guide Permit. Please write to Recreation and Lands Staff, Douglas Ranger District, Coronado National Forest, 1192 West Saddleview Rd., Douglas AZ 85607, or call 520-364-3468. South Fork and other areas have a USFS parking fee.
If you are a tour leader and would like to bring a group to the Station, please call 520-558-2396 or email [email protected] with your questions.
Additionally, the SWRS offers its own birding tours in the spring and fall months each year. Enjoy great food, comfortable rooms, discounts in the Nature Shop, and spectacular views. Get more information on our 6-night tours.
From mid-April to mid-September, the SWRS partners with the HMN and bands hummingbirds every two weeks. If you are interested in participating or just observing, call 520-558-2396 for the days we will be banding this year.