Dialogues: Biological and Cultural Diversity

An adult wearing a head scarf with a basket on their back walks with a child through tall grass with verdant mountains in the background.

The American Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) in collaboration with the Joint Programme between UNESCO and the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity invites you to be a part of the Dialogues for Collaborative Action on the Links Between Biological and Cultural Diversity.

The Dialogues are intended as a collaborative process between different stakeholders to foster exchange and collective impact to promote the links between biological and cultural dimensions of diversity and their role in achieving sustainable development.

A critical aspect of the Dialogues is connecting a range of actors engaged in biological and cultural diversity to form a series of different thematic ‘Action Groups’ across the globe. These groups can take many forms in structure and work process and will offer an interactive framework for collective thinking about future action, research, and policy recommendations to strengthen the integration and positive relationship between nature and culture.

The CBC and partners are coordinating the Action Group on Knowledge Systems and Indicators of Wellbeing.        

If you're interested in learning more or in forming and leading an Action Group, please contact us: [email protected]