CBC Blogs

CBC scientists share their experiences from the field.

Human Impacts on Black Bear Ecology in Nevada

Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant, Postdoctoral Fellow at the CBC, tracked bears in the American West, hoping to prevent them from coming into contact with human populations.

The Link Between Conservation and Nutrition

Dr. Georgina Cullman, Postdoctoral Fellow at the CBC, worked in the Solomon Islands on a project that looks at food security, nutrition, and how local communities produce and consume their food.

Primates in Vietnam 

Dr. Mary Blair, Assistant Director for research and strategic planning at the CBC, blogged from the field during her expeditions to Vietnam.

Flamingos in the Americas 

Dr. Felicity Arengo, Associate Director of the CBC, blogged while conducting a census of flamingo populations in remote regions of South America.

Solomon Islands 

Dr. Chris Filardi, Director of Pacific Programs at the CBC, blogged from the remote highlands of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, where he surveyed endemic biodiversity and worked with local partners to create a protected area.