SCCS‐NY 2017 featured the Mack Lipkin Man and Nature Series Panel Discussion as a special public program on the evening of Thursday, October 12. The focus of the discussion was "Waves of Change: Challenges and Solutions for the Ocean", and panelists explored how managing the oceans through innovative policies and conservation approaches can help sustain seascapes and species — including the billions of people who depend on the ocean for their livelihoods and well-being.
Jeremy JacksonProfessor of Oceanography Emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Senior Scientist Emeritus, the Smithsonian Institution A leader in the study of marine environments, Jeremy is known for his understanding of threats and solutions to human impacts on the oceans. |
Naiʻa-Ulumaimalu LewisCreative Director, 84 and Sunny & Coordinator, Big Ocean As a social entrepreneur, artist, and native Hawaiian practitioner, Nai'a uses creative strategies to empower communities and develop cross-cultural initiatives for effective conservation solutions. |
Merry CamhiDirector, Wildlife Conservation Society New York Seascape Leading the first WCS seascape in North America and serving as a member of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group, Merry is a recognized expert in marine conservation and management of large ocean fishes, and sharks in particular. |
Ana Luz Porzecanski (Moderator)Director, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History |
The Mack Lipkin Man and Nature Series was established in honor of Dr. Mack Lipkin, Sr., by his many friends and admirers. Dr. Lipkin was a physician who was a gentle and powerful force in advancing the most humane and caring practices of medicine.
This free public event was organized as a part of the Student Conference on Conservation Science-New York 2017.