Implementing Culturally Attuned Monitoring and Reporting Indicators
The CBC, together with partners in the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) Working Group on Assessing Biocultural Indicators of Resilience in the Pacific, are pleased to share a set of outreach materials for national and multilateral reporting using locally and culturally attuned metrics. These materials emphasize the importance of locally and culturally informed indicators in monitoring and reporting for resource management. The products walk users through a series of prompts useful when evaluating existing indicators for local/cultural relevance, including guidance on making modifications or creating new indicators as necessary.
Through our stand-alone, modular format, we invite users to browse content based on your specific interests and needs. Our modules range from introductory documents, of relevance to anyone interested in the topic, to a detailed list of questions that national-level reporting agencies could consider when developing monitoring plans.
These materials were primarily developed for national-level reporting agencies and international or regional funding bodies in the Pacific, however their components are likely to resonate across regions and groups. Ultimately, the guidance documents are intended to enhance cross-scale indicator efforts by focusing on ways to adapt existing national or global indicators and may also be useful for groups who are actively generating their own indicators.
We welcome you to download modules of interest:

Implementing Culturally Attuned Monitoring and Reporting Indicators

What Are Culturally Attuned Indicators and What Process Can You Use to Identify Them?
Advancing Practice

Exploring Culturally Attuned Monitoring and Reporting Indicators

In-Depth Questions to Guide Your Process
Watch this page for updates and additional resources. Learn more about partners and products from the Assessing Biocultural Indicators Working Group, supported in part by the Science for Nature and People Partnership.
Browse the CBC's Nature-Culture Indicators and Knowledge Systems Resource Directory, an expanded directory of resources on this topic.
We thank our partners and collaborators for their contributions to these materials. We also thank Alana McCrossin for her permission to reproduce selected original artwork.