Lessons in Conservation: Volume 12
Volume 12 of Lessons in Conservation features a suite of teaching materials created by NCEP Studio participants, including case studies on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and exercises engaging with issues of human-wildlife coexistence through mapping and stakeholder role-play. Indicative of the times, these materials include recommendations for implementation in both in-person and online classroom settings, and instructor guidance, solutions, and notes are available for download by registered educators.
The last three years have been unprecedented for everyone, including NCEP, and these challenges—and opportunities—have been reflected in our Studios. In addition to teaching materials, this issue also features Perspectives from Studio alumni on topics from equity in the classroom and the field to challenges and possibilities with remote learning. These Perspectives provide thoughtful and thought-provoking vignettes from our Network.
Lessons in Conservation is the official journal of the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP) and is currently available in electronic format. All materials in Lessons in Conservation are peer-reviewed and are reproduced from NCEP teaching modules. If you plan to use these materials in your teaching, you may wish to download easily modifiable Word versions of the materials found in Lessons in Conservation, along with additional teaching and learning modules, from the NCEP module collection.
Download the entire issue:

Lessons in Conservation: Volume 12
Download individual articles:
Perspectives: Lessons in Inclusive Conservation

Decolonizing Primate Conservation in Africa: BIPOC's Perspective

Rethinking a Class: on Mushrooms, Molds, and Society

Observed Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity
Perspectives: Lessons in Remote Learning - The Classroom Experience

Exchange for Change: Learning from Our Network to Expand Our Teaching Practice

Teaching Ecology and Conservation: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Metamorphosis During COVID: a Biodiversity Mapping Exercise

Finding a Place for Panthers: Mapping Conservation Issues Related to Florida Panthers
Perspectives: Lessons in Remote Learning - The Classroom Experience

Supporting Biodiversity, Supporting Each Other

Beyond "Zoom Sucks": Environmental Studies and Sciences, Fieldwork, and the COVID-19 Pandemic